Medisoft Office Hours Patient Scheduling Software
For healthcare offices looking for a flexible and efficient way to keep track of patient appointments, Medisoft Office Hours offers an ideal scheduling system.
With an easy-to-use system like Medisoft Office Hours, doctors and medical staff members can easily track appointments, see which time slots are available, and create appointments efficiently. By improving your office’s administration system, doctors and staff members can focus on what matters: helping patients.
One of Medisoft Office Hours’ most appealing qualities is its flexibility. Healthcare providers have multiple options when choosing how to view the scheduling screen, including by day, month and week, by provider or by room.
Information can also be color-coded depending on the type of treatment or appointment. This feature helps staff members know when patients are newly admitted and may need additional forms. With more information and more efficiently organized information, doctors can schedule more patients than ever before.
Electronic charts also provide a number of features that paper systems cannot provide. Time slots can be reserved for different appointments, and doctors can search for providers during a particular time slot. Treatment rooms can also be tracked, so staff members know when a patient has checked in or confirmed an appointment.
With Medisoft Office Hours, making, changing and canceling appointments is easier than ever. With more scheduling efficiency, doctors and office staff can devote their attention where it's most needed - on patients and their care - and not on administrative tasks.
- Quickly make, copy, or change appointments
- Track treatment room schedules
- Instantaneously search all providers for next available time slot
- Add patients to an appointment wait list

Office Hours Professional allows you to set up a color-coded appointment template to reserve time slots for certain types of appointments. It organizes your appointments allowing you to see more patients.
- Know instantly when to schedule an appointment
- Have assurance that the appropriate amount of time has been set aside
- Color code appointments to quickly identify types of appointments such as new patients who require registration forms
- Track the status of appointments – mark them as unconfirmed, confirmed, checked in, being seen, checked out, missed, or cancelled

Office Hours Professional gives you several options for displaying appointments – you choose which works best for your office.
- Day, week, or month
- Multiple providers
- Equipment or treatment room
- Integrate with Medisoft
When you use Office Hours Professional with Medisoft, you’ll be able to share patient data saving you time when setting up appointments. Plus, you’ll have access to many of Medisoft’s features:
- Check a patient’s health plan for status, deductibles, and co-payment information
- Create custom reports and lists
- View a patient’s account balance
- Access, add, or edit patient case notes
- Print superbills for all appointments scheduled